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In today society technology has become more advanced than the human mind. In the era of information explosion, enormous amounts of data have become available on hand decision makers....

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What is High Sea Sale under GST?

High Sea sales is a sale carried out by the actual consignee (i.e, the consignee shown in the Bill of Lading) to another buyer while the goods are yet on high seas or after their dispatch from the port of loading and before their arrival at the port of discharge....

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Health & Its Importance In One's Life

Health defined according to Kurdish, the root of all health is in the brain,the trunk of it is in emotion, the branches and leaves are the body,the flower of health blooms when all parts work together. People of past generations used to live for more years without any major disease when compared to the present generations the reason being they maintained good health conditions. Health is one of th...

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Human Resources

Human resource is used to describe both the people who work for a company or organization and the department responsible for managing resources related to employees.

If the organisation has to achieve its goals the role of HR manger plays a vital role. It is the job of HR manager to heir right people to right job at right time, if the manager fails to hire the right people, then the organ...